The great outdoors for many of us is our workplace. Regardless of the weather or medical hazards — Professional Safety has the answers from Lyme disease to dehydration.

Medique® Ivy-Rid® Aerosol

Instantly relieves itching and discomfort. Prevents plant oils from spreading and prevents infection.

2 3/4 oz. (48756)

Diotame Liquid

Fast, sugar-free relief of acid indigestion and diarrhea.

10/Box (10412)


Poison Ivy Barrier Towlettes
5″ x 10″ 5/Box (45705)
Sunscreen Towlettes
8″ x 11″ 5/Box (43505)
Insect Repellent Towlettes
2 5/Box (48273)

Relieves nausea associated with upset stomach.

16/Box (11242)

Tecnu® Oak n'Ivy® Cleaning Treatment

Removes toxic oils of poison oak, ivy and sumac.

Unit Dose Packages (23202)

Sqwincher® Fast Pack®

Contains liquid concentrate that mixes instantly when water is added to the convenient foil pouch. Pouch works as a drinking cup.

Lemonade 50 count (269LE)

Lemon-Lime 50 count (269LL)

Tropical Cooler 50 count (269TC)

Orange 50 count (269OR)

Hydration System

Heat stress affects 10 million workers each year in the United States. Workers who regularly toil in hot, humid, strenuous conditions or those who must wear heavy protective apparel often fall victim to on-the-job dehydration, heat stress and possible heat stroke.

Solution: Personal hydration systems worn like a backpack or belt can supply several hours worth of cool drinking water literally within an arm’s reach.

Professional Safety is a distributor of three manufacturers of self containing affordable hydration systems. Call us to select the best system for your needs and your budget – 1-800-272-3008